
Brevity is the soul of wit

Principal Component Analysis (II)

Open the black box of PCA algorithm

Introduction In our last blog about PCA, we introduce the data compression problem and derive the PCA algorithm by hand. However, we don’t know what does PCA actually do to the raw da...

Principal Component Analysis (I)

Derive the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm by hand

Introduction Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a famous machine learning algorithm which applies lossy compression to raw data for storage or training and reconstructs the origina...

Quadratic Optimization

Introduce common quadratic optimization problems

Introduction Quadratic optimization problems appear frequently in the fields of engineering and computer science. Lots of problems in the real world can be expressed as the minimizati...


Introduce the concept of eigendecomposition

Introduction Eigendecomposition of a matrix, in which we decompose the matrix into a set of eigenvectors and eigenvalues, shows us to the information about the universal and functiona...

How Does the Backpropagation Work (I)

Explain how backpropagation algorithm works in neural network

Introduction Backpropagation, a fast algorithm to compute gradients, is essential to train deep neural networks and other deep models. In this blog, I’ll try to explain how it actuall...

Apply CNN on Multivariate Time Series Forecasting (I)

A process of applying CNN on Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Introduction When talking about Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), we typically think of Computer Vision (CV) or Natural Language Processing (NLP). CNN was responsible for major brea...

Learn the Neural Networks with Tensorflow (I)

A summary of using Tensorflow to train Neural Networks

Introduction Thanks to Michael Nielsen’s book Neural Networks and Deep Learning and TensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for Beginners with Latest APIs, I’ve spent an easier life on learn...

Run Python Model on Visual Studio (C#)

A tutorial of using Python on Visual Studio

Introduction Recently, I’m working on a C# project from Visual Studio which requires using statsmodels.tsa.regime_switching.markov_autoregression.MarkovAutoregression model of Python to do data an...